Sign up to give monthly

Sign up to give each month in honor of a dog-loving friend or family member.

As a monthly donor, you’ll join a growing community of amazing humans who provide the sustainable funds we rely on throughout the year to support thousands of pups!

symbolic gifts that save lives too!

No matter what you choose, you’ll make a big difference for our pups this holiday season. Sponsor a foster kit, a vet visit, or a grooming session in honor of someone special. Select “Dedicate my donation in honor or in memory of someone” when making your donation, and choose either a holiday themed e-card or handwritten card to let them know!


Shop for New muddy paws merch

What better way to show off your pride in our #MuddyPawsPack than by wearing it? This holiday season, we have brand-new designs from local artists in our community like Andrea Cáceres, Ben Lenovitz, IllusDogs, Emily Park and more!

Order your MPR gear now to give to family, friends - and don’t forget yourself!

corporate gifting

Show employees and clients your appreciation with a meaningful gift that saves lives and eliminates the need to coordinate holiday gift shipping. Select “Dedicate my donation”, and choose either a holiday themed e-card or handwritten card - we’ll take care of the rest! You can also become a corporate partner and gain even more benefits for your team.


Sponsor A Rescue

Get that good karma flowing for 2023 and reserve your Sponsor-A-Rescue spot now! Your gift will sponsor medical care and transport for 25 dogs joining the Muddy Paws Pack. Sponsor in honor of a friend or family member as a gift, or join forces with your friends and family and Sponsor-A-Rescue as a group gift to each other.