Post-Adoption Blues: Are they Normal?


You found the perfect pup, were approved for adoption, and have finally introduced your new furry friend to their forever home. The excitement is real! But there’s another emotion too: the post-adoption blues. Our Muddy Paws adopter community has shared with us their experiences with this—completely normal—feeling and how to navigate it.

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It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, sad, or anxious after adoption. Many adopters have doubts such as: do I know enough about training? Is this really the best home for them? Can I keep them healthy? Remember that you would not have been approved if you weren’t the right fit, and there’s always time to improve upon any skills you feel need strengthening. Trust in your abilities; it’s all part of the process!

Doing all the research before adopting doesn’t necessarily prevent potential blues. Although research about your new pup’s needs—food, crate, the perfect chew toys— can be (and is!) helpful, it’s not guaranteed to prevent blues down the road. If you’ve prepared extensively before adoption, don’t be surprised if these overwhelming feelings still arise. It doesn’t mean you’re ill-prepared, but rather experiencing a natural reaction to a big change in your life!

Comparing yourself to others is common, but unproductive. It’s easy to see pictures of your friends with their pups on Instagram and believe that they’re living a perfectly happy life together. But at the beginning of every new bond, there’s lots of learning and adaptation. You’re doing the best you can with what you have, and your pup is likely on cloud nine regardless! Don’t compare Day 5 of your new relationship with your pup with someone else’s Day 100.

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The bottom line: worrying typically means that you care, and that’s an important attribute to have! It’s entirely normal to want the best for a being that you love, and pups are of course no exception. You can always lean on the Muddy Paws network and community with any questions or concerns. Remember that your mixed emotions are normal, and will eventually dissipate once you and your pup grow closer.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or have questions about your pup after adopting, please reach out to our team directly at for any post-adoption support! We're always here to support our pack!

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